Tuesday, February 9, 2010




  1. Very nice!!! I tell you, I'm getting so tired of people complaining that Tay looks unhappy and doesn't smile in pics. My word. Why do people think he is required to smile in each and every picture that is taken of him. Do they go on about that with Rob and Kristen? No, and goodness knows if we were to say something like that about them, then we'd be eaten alive.

    Such double-standards, and I'm so tired of it.

  2. i love that post here. also, great point to make you can only smile for so long before your cheeks hurts and having flashing cameras in your voice will never be the "norm" no matter how famous you are. yes, double-standards you do not compare rob and kristen to taylor nor do you compare edward/bella to jacob. im not sure why they're comparing anyways, no one is better than the other. lame people on nmm/em

  3. HEY THERE!!!
    I've missed you and all the other wolf gals. :-( My home computer has a virus and am therefore unable to do absolutely anything right now until it's taken care of. I can respond here from work on Disqus, but Twitter isn't an option at all for me right now since that site is blocked. :-( Send a shout-out to all our wonderful wolf gals for me, and tell them I'm thinking of them. I've got ILA covered though...still talk to her constantly, so she already knows.

    Hate that this happened on such a monumentous week, and with today being his b-day and all I know we would have had a lot of fun. I'm thinking of all of you though and hope to talk to all of you soon. *hugs and kisses* :o)

  4. *runs & tackles/hugs you* it's been maybe 48hours & I'm already dying! Last night was so great yet we whined because you & ILA were not around. @hollywood2bklyn informed us what happen. We were so upset! We were hoping for something that your computer would magically turn on. LOL!
    Well, if I can still talk to you on here then that's better than not talking all out. I'm in class so I must run off! I will look for you on here! I'll post on nmm/em just to talk to you! Love
    You bye!:)

  5. Awww!!! I love that I've been missed, and by so many. :o) It is the oddest thing to be there with no computer at all to use. It's one thing if you have it and don't use it, but another if you have it and CAN'T use it. :-(

    I don't have Twitter set-up for my phone either, so I can't do anything at all on it. Glad I do have this though, at least until the weekend when I won't be at work. :-( Luckily I'm still able to converse daily with my dear imprintee, so that makes me very happy. I let her know that you were all missing us. :o) Hopefully we'll both be back very soon. Sure missed seeing what all the wonderful last day avis were.

    I was looking for a Tay b-day post today but didn't see one. I won't be able to post on a new one, but I can surely enjoy the comments from all of you. ----- Original Message -----

  6. Oh, I know the feeling. Once my comptuer had stopped working for a week to sit there for a week knowing it would not turned on killed me. However, the good thing now I have twitter through my phone so I'm ok LOL.
    Yes, I'm hoping you & ILA come back pretty quickly. It's not the same without the entire pack. It's so funny to see how close we are now. If we do not talk to one another in a while we begin to experience withdrawals from each other haha. You guys know I'm addicted/stalks you guys.
    Yeah, I have not seen a taylor bday post it saddens me:-(. Hopefully, one will be up before the end of the day. Yes, the Avis were great a lot of them focused on his "manhood". Hahaha *sighs* I miss you!

  7. Not sure how to pass this on but BB looked and CC is updated!!:-)
